a few words about us
Who We Are
The Model for Inclusive School Environment was developed by the Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) in partnership with five schools in order to implement and scale up inclusive policies, practices and culture at school. After its creation, CIE implemented the Model in another 10 partner schools in order to test its applicability in different school environments, further advance it and demonstrate its effectiveness.
The inclusive educational model offers a multifaceted and continuous process that helps modernize the school as a system - attitudes, management, teaching-learning practices and development of sustainable policies and partnerships with actors connected to the school.
The specific objective of project SMILE is to support teachers and leaders of educational institutions to address the diverse needs of all learners through introducing systemic change at school level in partnership with knowledgeable local NGOs – local multipliers which have experience in the educational sphere.
The partner organizations will adapt the good practice to the local contexts and needs and will prepare it for future scaling up in the partner countries and at EU level. Common principles and approaches that are overarching the European contexts will be identified. A common ground in inclusive education, which bypasses the limitations and restrictions of national frameworks will be created.
The application of the Model will support school teams in 9 schools and will result in better prepared teachers and principals and improved inclusive environment in these schools.
Three partner organizations will be prepared to assist the 9 schools in the process and support future scale up the good practice in other schools in the respective countries.
The promotion of the good practice on European level through the e-learning course, part of the good practice, will create solid conditions for increased awareness, knowledge and understanding of the practice in particular and of inclusive education in general, among stakeholders in EU.
The three main phases of implementation present the following logical process flow:
Adaptation of the Model through the study of key parameters of policies and practices influencing the practical context issues that affect inclusiveness of school environment in the partner countries and identification of the core principles and approaches of the Model overarching across different country contexts.
Scaling up the application of the Model through building the capacity of local partners to act as multipliers.
Scaling up the access to the Model of school teams and other stakeholders in education at local level in the three partner countries (application of the Model and its instruments in local schools), and on a larger scale in a broader European education context through the e-learning course.

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